
Monday, March 28, 2005

not a damn thing funny

Steve Carell is talking in my right ear. He's saying some pretty funny things to John Stewart, but I'm not laughing. See, I'm unable to type a blog and watch my favorite TV show at the same time. Call me retarded or say that my priorities are all screwed up, I just sort of feel like writing right now.
Sorry Carell, its not personal.
So, this weekend. This weekend was-how do you say?-good. Friday morning I got enough things done to keep me from thinking about having to do things the whole rest of the weekend. That afternoon, I delivered an avocado n' tomatoe sandwhich to the office of this girl I know. She seemed to enjoy her lunch almost as much as I did. Providing for her was the least I could do, considering that she had visited my place of employment the day before, CrispyKreme donut in hand. By the way, I'm a huge fan of visits from people I care about while I'm at work. There's something about seeing a friendly (and beautiful) face in a place where friendly (and beautiful) faces are rarely seen that's just, well, cool. When it happens, its like recess or a field trip, atleast for a few minutes.
Wow...now I don't feel like writing. I'll continue later... Guess I should've watched the Daily Show.


At 8:53 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I was so surprised when the woman up front called my line and said that there was a gentleman visitor up front for me. I was thinking that it was a senior games participant or some such person I wouldn't want to see naked. After you left, the guy with the office next to mine asked me if you were my "main squeeze."

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

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