
Friday, April 01, 2005

Eating instant oatmeal

Since moving to Boise in 96, I've experienced what it is to be flat broke a couple dozen times or more. Here are some things that I've come to associate with being really truly broke:
1. Counting and wrapping all the change in my house (including that found in seat cushions and garments not worn in months); or,
2. Taking coins to Albertsons and dropping them into "Coin Star."
3. Eating instant oatmeal, rice, cans of vegetables, or any other item that's always ignored and relegated to the dark recesses of my cupboards during times of greater plenty.
4. Pouring a big bowl of cereal in the morning, as I normally do, and having a fit upon finding that I'm out of milk.
5. Doing number 4 more than once.
6. Having passing thoughts about exchanging CDs for cash at the Rx--rarely actually doing so, and then, only when I honestly have no love for the CDs.
7. Asking friends who owe me money to give me that money asap. Even if it had been months since the money was borrowed and the whole thing was nearly, and rightfully, forgotten.
8. Borrowing three bucks or so from a coworker and buying an insane amount of food at Winco for lunch. (cheap food like; bagels, potatoe salad, avacado n' tomatoe sandwhiches, oriental bowl of soup, tuna, cutie pies, etc)
9. Eating powerbars and the like at work for lunch and writing IOUs to cover the cost.
10. Long hair (as getting a haircut becomes nothing of a priority).
11. Splurging when I finally cash my pay check.
12. hmm, lists are fun and all, but time for a bike ride...


At 11:04 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Eating oatmeal is a good way to reduce cholesterol. Although, adding butter and syrup negates those cholesterol-reducing qualities of the oatmeal.

hrm...there was announcement on the intercom that donuts had arrived and after going up to the front of the building I quickly located a Krispy Kreme and plunged it into my mouth. it's always handy to get one's 2,000 daily calories finished with in one biting.

have a splendid bike ride.

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Josh said...

do you like oatmeal with raisins? do you like them in a box? do you like them with a fox? do you like them on a train? do you like them on a plane?
do you like oatmeal with raisins?
but really; oatmeal with brown sugar, butter, and milk is, like, oh sweet baby jesus mary and joseph--ehhem, I mean--its really good. raisins aint bad either, I'll admit.


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