
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

ha ha...?

This is sooo funny. Ha ha! A couple of days ago I spent an hour writing a blog explaining why I would not move. Even now, I look around at my apartment, at all the room I enjoy, and my two matching pieces of cream colored italian leather furniture, and I laugh, because I just handed in my application to rent the small apartment which I said I would not rent. There will not be room for my two matching pieces of cream colored italian leather furniture in this new apartment. Hee hee! I'm feeling a bit mad, for having made the decision I made. Mad, like the mad hatter...

Nevertheless, its time for a new chapter in life, I suppose; and if this new chapter happens in the same setting as the last, well then, my story could be pretty boring. Change is good. A challenge is good. I've never lived completely on my own, yet I've always felt a bit alone within my living arrangements thus far, so I don't think the new joint will feel that barren.

I'm feeling a little wacked out, physically. For two days at work I've breathed toxic air because a heater motor burnt out. And it is my time of the year, isn't it? Like its most people's time of the year...when they're more likey to come down with some bug or another. That said, there's not much more to be said. 'night.


At 8:17 AM, Blogger Josh said...

here's the punch line:
lying in bed last night I was listening to the supreme quiet outside my apartment-I heard no woosh woosh or rrrrnnnn rrrnnn of cars on a street below. I heard no thump thump or slam bang of neighbors arriving home. The quiet and darkness of my room convinced me-I would call Rosie tomorrow morning and tell her I did not want the apartment after all.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

oh, it's such a difficult decision. i understand how one might waffle two and fro over it. incidentally, this morning i walked by this apartment that i am absolutely *in love with* and noticed with glee a "for rent" sign outside. the moral of this story is that there are always apartments "for rent". perhaps not the apartment of your dream, but good things happen to those who wait. or some such idiom. did you really call rosie? even i have some anxiety chemicals rotating in my stomach over this decision of yours.


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