The good things
God this is gimmicky, like something a 14 year old girl would post on Myspace. Or like the content of a self help, self love mini-book. Whatever. The subject of joy is so fucking important that its sort of beyond such concerns. Therefore,
My positive mood of late has made me especially adept at extracting from recent memory events and things which I enjoy. Here's a few in no particular order.
Joy is:
the first turn in a game of srabble.
a five letter word placed on the board after half an hour of scrabble play.
watching the claw successfully lift "Wee Kong", and safely deposit him into the game's chute.
walking out of a movie feeling as though it was worth 8 hundred and 50 pennies.
receiving a bonus check so large that a credit card debt which would normally take a year to pay off can be paid off tomorrow.
drinking the milk left in the bowl after having consumed all of the cereal.
good sushi.
a quality espresso drink.
riding into a 20 mph headwind, pacing a group of 100 other riders.
waking up to a free day after a long, deep sleep.
anticipating a trip.
listening to the cds you brought on a road trip.
dancing at the Balcony.
PDA at the Balcony.
Pollo Rey's fish burrito, Supremo.
a comfy chair, a white chocolate mocha, and a stack of new cycling magazines at Barnes and Nobles.
wine-tainted foreplay.
watching a professional road race on video, commentated by Phil Ligget and Paul Sherwan.
finishing a good book.
expensive, well fitting jeans...
...among other more personal things/activities.
See, the idea is to be capable of making a list of "joys" and to use that list as a guide for living. Big goals involving money, prestige, or one's place in heaven distract us from the real goal: enjoying life.
By the way, I'm sure I've posted a list like this before. A free mocha to whoever finds it.
I could have sworn that you also wrote a list like this, but I scanned through every single one of your entries and couldn't locate it. There is an entry, however, on July 5th in which you list off the enjoyable "small" things of the day. It seemed very similar to this list, so I think that you should count it and take me out for sushi.
here is the link for the post.
wow, that was a good day. you deserve a mocha AND sushi for bringing that to my attention.
we should try a new sushi joint, eh?
ooo, inquisitive! you really think so? and here I am comparing it to something a 14 year old would post on her myspace profile. But perhaps you know me better than I now my self-I am a brilliant writer! Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Hi there! I've been reading these fascinating posts of yours and I think that we might have a lot in common. Here, let me give you the link to my blog and maybe you'll think the same about me. If you like, maybe we could meet for coffee sometime and get to know eachother, Biblically if you know what I mean. *wink* *wink*
I am sorry. I am not Christian. In fact, I think the Bible is a bunch of crap. So, no, I do not want to get coffee with you. I suggest you find some other jesus loving freak such as yourself to get to know in a biblical manner.
Heathen! May Satan engulf your soul as it burns and writhes in pain.
oooo, I'm sooo scared! pshaw, your words of hellfire and damnation do not phase me for a second! I'm gonna get carazy with the sinning. Its gonna be sinnapalooza at my place everynight. If I was a dinosaur, I'd be a sinasaurous. I'm even thinking of going on vacation to sinaropolis. That's right, I'm agonna keep on sinnin' all night long.. all night, all night...
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