
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Never, never forget your weekends. This, I recently explained to my mom, is extremely important. The moment you get off work Friday (or in my case, Thursday) marks the start of one more opportunity to have as much fun and adventure as you can possibly conceive. The weekend is your chance to demonstrate to the world that you know how to live the good life. Everything you've learned and experienced in life up until the time you step out of the office/shop/classroom/factory/etc on a Friday can now be employed to help you have the time of your life over the next two days. We can be patriotic only on weekends, when real freedom finally exists. Given that three-quarters of our lives is spent working or sleeping; if you live to be 80, you would be justified in thinking that you only really lived for around 20 years. How much you enjoyed your 20 years depends upon how seriously you planned and executed your weekend activities.

Obviously, I'm incapable of composing an introduction to a rather ordinary blog without waxing dramatic. Here's what I did over the weekend. Undoubtedly, it will be anticlimatic after my speech.

Friday morning hung out at the M and wrote 4-5 pages regarding the difference between believing that a god exists who can save your mortal life/soul and believing that a team of doctors do in fact have a donor heart which they can transplant into your body in order to save you from impending heart failure. This was probably the most interesting stuff I've written to date. The analysis led me to conclude that there are many good reasons so many people are "believers", and that to be a believer is not so outrageous or unreasonable after all. This does not change the fact that to me there is clearly a lack of reason for believing....at any rate, I'll post what I wrote on "The Deconstruction..." blog as soon as I have time to.

After the M, me and my bike took a bus to the west side of town where I did some shopping at the Lux and Savors. I managed to find a couple items I was really happy about and a few more a was satisfied with. Unfortunately, one of my favorite items (a white longsleeve cotton shirt) became stained somehow, and an ok item (a vintage red cowboy shirt) was found to have strange spots on it. Both didn't come out after bleaching and washing. boo hoo!

I road my bike back home and proceeded to work out a bit. Next, I sunbathed along side the pool. My tan is coming along nicely; however, this means the tan line below my waist is looking sillier and sillier.

Upon becoming sexified, I met Fern and we had dinner at Bardenay. She had a tunamelt and I had a reuben. Both were to die for...

From there we toodled to Julia Davis Park and threw the poof football around. I had forgotten the smashmitten birdie; so we rode back to the apartment, retrieved it, and smacked the birdie around at Municiple Park.

Finally, we attempted to watch the latest Pirates of the Carribean movie to its completion, but failed because it just would not stop--and I thought it sucked.

Saturday, Fern and I pedaled our road bikes out Hill Road and well west of town on a course Fern has ridden a few times already. I really enjoyed putting a few more miles behind me. It helps that Fern is not at all slow on her bike. We cruised along at a snappy pace throughout the ride.

There wasn't much time to clean up and get over to Jennifer's parent's house, where we were to celebrate her mom's birthday. Fern and I volunteered to pick up everyone's dinner from the Olive Garden. Back at the house I enjoyed my linguini a la marinara with shrimp while chatting with Fern's grandparents, who are both like 100 years old and self supportive-wow!

After the nice birthday party (which included icecream cake), Fern and I went to the mall to do some underwear shopping. Ofcourse, I had to check out shoes and jeans which I can't afford.

Then it was to Barnes n' Nobles to delve into bike magazines for free.

Sunday I worked until 5. That evening Fern made dinner with a couple of amazing seasoned vegetable dishes. We especially liked the cauliflower. When things cooled off enough, we rode to the highschool track field and played smashmitten until we were exhausted. For awhile we rested in the grass and watched the stars slowly reveal themselves.


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