
Monday, May 09, 2005

Different me

Today I thought for the umpteenth time that I am "different". It made me feel a little better. You see, I'm one of those individuals who gets a kick out of thinking that he's not like everyone else. I don't drive an SUV or live in the suburbs or work behind a desk or feel that I must buy things in order to enjoy life yada yada yada. I'm "different", therefore I'm "better". Which, of course, is complete bullshit. That false conclusion is constantly being implied by liberals such as myself when we discuss the state of the world today with like-minded creatures. For the record, I recognize that I'm not "better" than anyone else. Still, I prefer the ideas that I prefer, and I don't think there's anything wrong with thinking that those ideas are superior to the ideas which seem to be most popular these days. I'm not better, but I am different than most, and this is how:
I believe that-
1. Religion is dumb.
2. There's nothing wrong with sex. Plus, I'm all for public nudity.
3. Love, romance, and commitment are to be sought after, but marriage is a traditional institution, and I don't put a lot of stock in tradition.
4. We're so much a product of our environment that individuality is nearly a facade, so if we hope to create anything new or better, we must actively rebel against the status quo and our natural tendencies, as well as accept some degree of randomness and chaos.
5. We're born innocent and there's very little a person can do throughout his/her life to change that status.
6. There's nothing, I mean nothing, wrong with homosexuality.
7. We humans are really really stupid; relatively speaking, of course (relative to what, I'm not sure).
8. Things can be so much better and would get much better if we all wised up (I'm progressive).
9. Abortion isn't the biggest deal (in the first two trimesters). Choice should be allowed.
10. Euthenasia is a big deal. Choice should be allowed.
hmm... These aren't really the reasons I had that thought today. In fact, the thought that I was different immediately followed the thought that I don't seem to talk as much as others, and, therefore, I likely don't think and feel just like the average guy. Which is a good reason to think I'm different. It made me feel better, mainly because I'm a lover of variety and originality...the prospects of original/progressive thought or art is exciting...and I truly believe that I'm capable of producing something original/new someday. That's not being too cocky, is it?


At 7:47 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Well, I work in an office (two) but I don't view this as being proof of my sameness. My inability to get anything done on the writing front is an aspect of my character that I view as being intolerably same. Same me. Incidentally, I am jaded. bah!

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Josh said...

Hi, **yawn** I'm up! See? I'm writing this, so that means I must be awake, right? I'm going to assume I'm awake and if I clean my room, cash my check, and pay some bills in a dream, then--how would you put it?,--tough muffins.
Jaded. Yeah, me too. I wish I could be a little less jaded a little more often. Being jaded is so cliche..so 1990s.
For the record, the way I see things, you're not really jaded and you're different in all good ways. Despite the office job. Damn office workers! argh! hate em all! (this is where I say "kidding")

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I'm not sure that is the proper use for the term "tough muffins". But then again, you are your own agent and you may utilize "tough muffins" as you see fit. To each his own "tough muffin".
Hey, I am also sleepy. Yowie!!! And I am right now comparing and contrasting my level of jadedness in the morning hours and in the non-morning hours and I see an interesting trend in which I tend to be more jaded in the morning when I am sleepy.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Josh said...

It would have been "tough muffins" because I would have had to do all of those tedious chores all over again after waking, and that would suck, but, ya know what? tough muffins. Does that make sense? I'm thinking not. g'day

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Josh said...

by the way, potstickers are a tad disgusting when they aren't hot out of the microwave.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

While I usually consider myself something of a "fan" of potstickers, the ones from last night were disgusting with or without microwave heatage.

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Josh said...

mystery meat isn't so bad if it isn't the color white.
anykermit, just thought I'd keep the comments going for this blog, since its SO exciting to see that I've got another one, even if its my own.

At 7:16 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Here's another comment for you. Happy sunshine day! Guess it will be a good day for a bike ride and a 165 heart rate. I've just squirted the juice from a whole lemon into my hot green tea and it is de-lish! Have a splendid day.


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