
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Be the Hippo

Wow. I'm starting to worry myself with all of this non-blogging going on. Is there something wrong with me? I've been tired a lot lately, especially after I wake up and before I go to bed. Is that unusual? I have a tendency to black out between the hours of 12 and 7 am. Its strange. I wonder if I really remain motionless in my bed the entire time. I suppose its just as likely that last night I gazed into the night sky and watched as the atmosphere was struck by a wave of cosmic particles, causing the forest around me to burst into flames a moment later. And isn't it just as likely that my girlfriend met my brother last night and they really really reeeaally hit it off? No? Its not as likely? Woosh. (interesting how my mind conjures up apocalyptical nitemares and dreams of Fern making out with some other guy during the same night, as if both are equally terrifying)

For selfish reasons, I just finished reading all of the blogs that I've written to date. I want to discover what sentiment compelled me to write each one. Once again, I'm engaging in an exercise of self analysis. Interested in origins as I am, I want to explore the origins of my own thoughts. I know that they arise from emotion. Its the moment in which emotion is shoved into its packaging (worded thought and script) that I want to place under the microscope. In that moment we find sentiment still true and pure. As sentiment is broken and manipulated to fit into the various words and sentences of language, it looses much of its impact, its meaning, its "soul." Music is something that can reverse that deconstructive process. So is visual art. And ironically, so is writing when words and sentences are beatifully strung together by talented authors.
Here's something. In our lives we metamorphosize into children and young adults capable of intelligent thought but who have become less adept at feeling and expressing as we were when we were purely emotional creatures (fyi, babies). I believe that there is a third stage to this metamorphosis possible if we realize that "language" is not the most complete or true form of expression, and that because our thoughts are channelled through words, we are somewhat detached from our emotional selfs. We often can't undertand why we feel a certain way--we confuse ourselves--because we are not fluent speakers of our own emotional language. Our feelings sometimes hold messages for us to interpret and respond to intelligently, yet more often they stand on their own and require nothing but appreciation and acceptance. The third stage of development occurs after we recognize that we are not fully developed emotionally. Like I said, greater intelligence (like the intelligence underlying great literature) and enhanced creativity (allowing us to refamiliarize ourselves with our emotional selfs) are the keys to making it through the last personal transformation. When there is perfect harmony between what we feel, what we think, and what we express; when those things are done in a more intense, skillful manner; and when we're able to be highly emotional creatures who are extremely free (requiring hightened intelligence and awareness) in both thought and action, then we can finally say that we've _______ (place analogy involving a coccoon and butterfly here). Think of the last scene in the Dark Crystal. Our goal is to become those long white divine spirits that rose out of the crumbling castle... Ok, that's just plain silly. Moving on...
About the whole finding the sentiment at the heart of my blogs thing. I'll start doing that in a seperate blog. Thanks for reading.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger Josh said...

I've said several times that language acts as something of an obstacle to pure expression, a purer communication. But how true is this? I have reason to believe that if it weren't for language, our emotional selfs would be much less complex and expansive. If we did not have words to represent objects, actions, and ideas, would we be able to "ruminate", and experience the emotion that results from that rumination? Would we be able to remember things very well if we didn't have words to re-flash images in our minds? What this seems to come down to is the question: Does the superior nature of human intelligence a product of-or dependent on-language? And addressing more specifically the subject I've been discussing: Is human emotion more diverse and intense due to our ability to think and speak through language?
The answer seems obvious (almost). Yes (tentative answer). Despite the fact that other species have forms of communication that can be thought of as language (chimps, birds, whales, most others to some extent), I believe that human language is so much more complex and extensive. Plus, human language is based on building blocks-letters-which can be utilized to create new words, or variations of words, etc. If an idea can be differentiated from an idea which is represented by a word, then that idea can be granted its own word as well, its own symbol. If an object is at all different from other objects; it, and all other objects sharing its characteristics can be given its own combinations of letters--its own word. So, the point is; given that so many letters exist and so many combinations of letters are possible; ;given that an infinite array of ideas, actions, and objects are within our minds ability to "see" (or differentiate from other things); and given that diversity is infinite in the universe; it makes sense that we humans are both intellectually and emotionally superior to other creatures. It makes sense that we have been able to excersice a great will over nature and the course of our lives. We have power that comes from a system of logic (language), and while this logic can sometimes misrepresent our true feelings or fail to express those feelings, I suspect that it does more good for us emotionally than it does harm. I suspect that because of language, there can be some consistency and persistance in our emotional responses. I can imagine that without logic guiding our emotions, everything we do would be a response to instinct/primitive emotion (unless we were trained like a dog).
This is all VERY vague. Sorry. I'm trying to work things out as I go again.
I can't help but be reminded of something I've mentioned to Fern a few times. I believe that there are not enough words to represent the innumerable concepts our mind is capable of sensing/differentiating. For example, see my blog about Seriousness. I concluded that there are different types of seriousness which are of completely different merit. There are also different types of "sad". If you're crying during the end of a movie that is touching, you're not REALLY sad. I'd argue that you're not really happy either. If you're laughing at a joke are you "happy" in the same way you're "happy" after a good kiss? Speaking of love-we often talk about "like", "love" and "desire". What else is there? Don't we have feelings for people which don't fall neatly under one of those three words? It would be nice if we had a word that accurately represented those different feelings. Instead, we might fumble our words, or fall silent, or use several words in an effort to express ourselves as accurately as possible. This goes back to my main blog. Language is often independable or obstructive. Yet, perhaps it is possible that while language is independable and obstructive, it is also THE key to our god-like (ha) intelligence and emotional diversity?
Of course, this begs the question, exactly how intelligent are we? And, exactly how emotionally diverse are we? These questions require a definition of "intelligence". I think intelligence is directly related to will, or freedom. The greater a being's intelligence, the more capable that being is able to excersice its will--to get what it wants, to plan its future... Someone with a good memory might be considered intelligent, but then we could say that any modern desktop is WAY more intelligent than the smartest human. A good speaker might also be thought of as very intelligent. This may be true in some cases, but I can think of other cases in which it would be silly to think of the speaker is of very high intelligence.... Anyway, this is getting a little too...um, hmmm.. what's the word I'm needing here?....I want to say that this is getting a little to "duh" for my own taste, or "obvious", or...whatever. See what I'm saying?? nightynight.


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