
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hey. I'm starting to wonder if the French don't have good reason for being as cocky as everyone says they are. After Fern told me today that she's been feeling like she's been in a constant hurry for days now (she's been house/dog-sitting), and how she hasn't had much down time for herself, my feelings regarding the easy life have been reaffirmed. I too have felt rushed a lot lately. Yesterday, for example, I got off work at 7 and immediately headed out for a bike ride before the sun went down. Then, as previously noted, I met Fern for a drink at Penguilly's. Today, I left work around 7:10, hurried home, showered, and hitched a ride with Fern to the Fulton Street Theatre to catch a play that started at 8:00. Yes, I chose to go for a bike ride, and I chose to see the play; but I don't know, I just wish I'd never heard of the 40-hour work week. I'd love to be able to do these things and never be in a hurry. I wonder how many more years or decades will pass before people in this country decide that they no longer want to work their lives away, and adopt a somewhat French approach to living-an approach that, according to the stereotype, involves slowly savoring quality instead of quickly accumulating quantity. If the kiss tells us anything, its that the French can teach us a thing or two about living.

I'm noticing that the DVD my mom sent me, "Snowboard Academy", starring Jim Varney aka "Ernest", has a label stating "Security Device Enclosed". Just the fact that someone thought a person might want to steal the movie, and went to the trouble of enclosing a security device is, to me, mildly amusing. I almost smile when I realize that Jim Varney's face-the scary one he's making on the cover of "Snowboard Academy", the same one he makes when asking Vern if Vern knows what he means-got him a career in Hollywood that spanned over a decade.

I digress. Its bedtime. Night.


At 10:43 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

here, here. i wholeheartedly agree. especially the part about "if a kiss can tell us anything, then the french have it down" brilliant!


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