
Monday, January 05, 2009

It was announced at the start of work that we'd be trying to reconcile our entire store's inventory in one day. Reconciling the inventory involves scanning items and sometimes counting items. It's work that a third grader could do. The challenge came in the sheer number of products we had in the store to scan.

So we all got to work, enthusiastic about achieving our goal of being finished by the end of the day. I had a load of energy and moved as fast as I could. Amazingly, we reconciled the inventory with an hour to spare.

After work I went home and had a bowl of soup. Then it was off to Fern's place. We chatted and joked for a while before heading for the gym. At the gym I had an amazing amount of energy. John Post was there and we ended up riding the same course together on the Espresso bikes. We upped the pace on the last half of the 5.8 mile course and raced for the finishing line. My bike did something weird (it spun out) just when I was putting in my big sprint for the finish, so John beat me across the line. Next, I rode a pretty challenging 10 mile course, Outlaw Rock. Again I felt good. I managed to maintain an average cadence of 90+ and produce an average power of 302 watts. My best average power to date for a course that I think was around 7-8 miles is 337 watts.

I spent some extra time stretching after the ride. Then I rode home through the snow, made myself a couple of protein shakes, and watched the 08 Tour for nearly an hour.


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