"Just another day in paradise" or so a coworker always responds when asked how his day is going. And so one more day in paradise ends for me as well, except that I'm slightly more sincere, I'll posit.
Fridays are usually a mixed bag for me. I'm bound to have some fun sometime during the day, but it is also my day for chores. From the time I wake up (9-10:30) till 4:30 I am completely Fernless. And since life is pure torture without Fern around anyway, I might as well use the first half of my Friday to get various boring and teadious duties completed. Like, dishes, laundry, bill paying, and cleaning this entire house-sized apartment of mine. Today, I managed to do my laundry as well as clean and modify (remove cabinet doors to ease access to dishes) my kitchen. I've been extremely serious lately about becoming a cleaner person with a cleaner residence. I already spend an unreasonable amount of time shaving, trimming, cleaning, and dressing my person, especially if I plan on going out on the town with the Fern. Now I'm even more committed to improving the condition of my apartment. As you know, I spent most of yesterday engaged in a strenous full body workout, so after cleaning my apartment today for a couple of hours, I became disgusted with the focused, obsessive mind set of a cleaner of things, so I gave it up and focused instead on preparing myself for an evening of relaxation n' fun with Fern.
Fern picked me up (I wear the pants in the relationship but she drives the car) and we rushed over to a house in south-east-central Boise so that Fern could let the owners' dogs out to pee and/or poo. Upon opening the door to the house, the larger of the two dogs barked at me in an unreasonably loud and menacing way. I did not like its tone one bit. I stood there furrowing my brow listening to the racket until Fern tried pushing me back away from the dog. My first impression was that she was scared for my life and wanted me to start running away as fast as I could. I was having none of that! I used to be deathly afraid of dogs as a child, but it has been years since something clicked inside and all fear of canines vanished. Nevertheless, the wise move was to step back and give the mutt some personal space, as well as allow Jennifer to take the dogs out back. With the dogs free to bark their heads off in the back yard, Fern took me on a tour of the residence which she was watching for the weekend. Imagine if you will (it won't be too difficult), interior decorating that consisted of 90% flowers-fake flowers, flower printed furniture, flower printed wallpaper, flower lamp fixtures, etc-and 10% U.S. Marine Corp books, swords, photos, and the like. As I told Jennifer, I felt as though I were the enemy or devil, being an artsy fartsy liberal walking through the home of a couple who represented everything I despised (asthetically speaking-I'm sure they're descent people) about conservatism.
Quickly now, since I'm nearly typed out:
Next, Fern and I went to Funktion downtown (retailer of high-end jeans and apparel). I was dissapointed when I found out that I couldn't spend $200 on a pair of jeans I had been eyeing for a while. They had been sold. Fern tried on a few pair just to tease me, I'm guessing. Then, we walked across the street to Ha' Penny pub and had dinner. I had a barely acceptable "Dublin Dip" and Fern had a Reuben which was extremely sub-par and weird. The service was also not up to snuff (water people!). And Fern's house "cheapest" glass of Shiraz cost $6.50. Still, the food caused the area of my stomach that had been empty to fill and extend, thus serving a small purpose in preventing me from whining the rest of the night about being hungry. Ok, next, we went to Church, or as some might call it, the Neurolux, and chatted with friends, and then other things happened...
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