
Monday, March 20, 2006

Do you ever feel uninspired? Of course you don't. Surely I'm the only one in the world who isn't brilliant all of the time. Yeah, anyway, I'm not feeling like the sharpest tack tonight, which is strange, because usually I temporarily become a fckn genius after engaging in the activity I engaged in tonight. Who knows what's going on? I suspect I'm experiencing a hormone-induced mini-funk (I think that's the medical term). Or it could be the South Park eminating from the telli over my shoulders-you know, the hypnotic effects of a rather low-brow production. Whateva. I reckon I'll bury myself in more enlightening material tomorrow morning at the Flying M.

The weekend was good to me. Things warmed up just enough to make the three bike rides I went on bareable. On Friday, I did Reserve-Bucks-Shanes trail by myself. Saturday, Fern and I rode the tandem several miles out the greenbelt and back. Sunday, She and I cruised up Reserve-Central Ridge-Reserve-Freeway-half of Sidewinder-and back down Your Mom. Saturday morning and Sunday evening, we enjoyed time at the M and Barnes n' Nobles. Sunday morning we had breakfast at Jim's Cafe. Saturday we did sushi for dinner at Zuto's. I haven't included all the fun I had over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Fern, wanna add anything? -Oh yes, on Saturday we had successful shopping experiences primarily at Savors, but also at the Mall.


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

You are always *brilliant*!

My additions...hello, we also saw "Hoodwinked" at the dollar theater which was this fabulous mystery spoof on the tale of Red Riding Hood. I would have thought that item would have sprung first to your mind. I thought it was awesome and I can't wait to go and see "Doogal" at the dollar theater.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Hey, what are those asterisks for!? Is there some fine print somewhere that says "and by 'brilliant' I mean 'stoopid'"?

I'm kidding.

Gollygee willakers! I'm sorry I didn't mention that. In all seriousness, "Hoodwinked" was a highly enteteraining flick, and anyone who doesn't take themselves and a friend down to see it is doing themselves a major disservice. Yeah.


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