
Friday, February 17, 2006

This will be an exercise in brevity as I am tired and wanna go to bed.
Woke up this morning and had a bowl of wheat chex. Went over my list of around a' bout 30 items that I wanted to get done or buy to determine the order in which I would do and buy things. Bundled up with multiple layers. Went to the bank and deposted checks. Went to Albertsons and cashed in about $14 in coins using the Coinstar machine. Road my bike to Garden City to the UPS warehouse to pick up my package-two pair of AG jeans I ordered on-line. To Home Depot in search of a variety of things, including supplies to make a hanging pan holder device for my kitchen. Gave up on the idea and left with several spray bottles of cleansers. Went to Target. Had a hotdog with sourkraute and a Coke at the Target deli. Bought a hyacinth-cented candle, an atomic wall clock, a 3-bulb floor lamp with tall paper shade, large German-made crystal, a fancy corkscrew, and dry-erase markers. Shoved it all in the two packs I brought and rode home very gingerly. Found a place for everything I bought. Cleaned my body and straightened the apartment. Met Jennifer at a house she was sitting. Took dog for a walk. Ate pizza. Drank stuff. Played cowboys n' indians. Or something like that.


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