
Friday, February 03, 2006

Another day seized and another night of sleep to look forward to. Aint life great! By the way, it hasn't been often in my 30 years that I could say such a cheeseball thing, so I feel that I should be granted an unlimited allowance for further exclamations of appreciation (ouch, that was reaching for a sentiment...). For most of my life its been the cool thing to have a shitty attitude about the people and things in my world. Even today, with things just dandy before the jihad starts, I sometimes feel the need to pontificate from time to time, just for good measure. All in all though, ranting is so 1990s, and being the fashion conscious person that I am, I refrain from it as much as I can. Now, whenever I go on about christians, muslims, jews, neorealists, consumers, patriots, drivers, or whoever, I quickly find myself thinking "I should probably go do something productive or fun or something..."

Today, I was Jenniferless for a few hours, so I sent off payment for some bills and cleaned up the kitchen/desk some. Then, I picked up (yes, picked up) Jennifer at work and we rode the tandem to Pollo Rey for lunch. Then I went home and took care of a few more errands, including shaving my face, which for me is something of a painful ordeal 'cause my beard is thick and my razor may be a tad dull. When Jennifer got off work, I followed her home where she changed into something less work formal, then we set off on a tandem ride in the unseasonably warm weather (52). It was an extremely fun ride, what with Fern and I being ourselves n' all. Towards the end of the ride, we both noticed a slight vacany growing in our tum-tums, so we took a detour to Chili's and dined on chips, salad, steak fahitas, and molten chocolate cake. uuuYummy!! Satisfied, we went to her place, chilled out a bit, and left for Barnes n' Nobles. For on hour or so, I read GQ, Esquire, and like magazines, while Fern checked the latest on Bragelina (Brajolie??huh?) THEN, at about 9:20, we left to catch a movie at the northgate? reel theater on Franklin. We saw "The Family Stone", featuring Sarah Jessica Parker, which was just hilarious enough to like and not despise. Now, Eric is reading me excerpts from John Stewarts book "America", which is a masterpiece. I'm hungry. Thanks to Corry for the big bowls. I'm about to use one to eat me some cereal. Goodnight all.


At 1:19 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Actually, I was reading about how Kate Moss is a bad influence on Lindsay Lohan.


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